District Departments » Professional Development » Proposition 301

Proposition 301

Proposition 301 Pay Plan

Along with the TAP Payout, qualifying teachers are also eligible to receive additional monies correlating to the GESD #32 Proposition 301 Pay Plan. The plan is comprised of the following three parts:

  1. 20% of the Proposition 301 funds allocated for each teacher are applied directly to the salary schedule for certified staff who are eligible for the money.
  • Qualifying employees will receive a portion of their 301 pay in each paycheck. These funds are paid out over the course of the school year based upon the district’s best estimate from the state. The payment amount may be adjusted at the end of the school year depending upon available funding received from the state.
  1. 40% of the Proposition 301 funds allocated for each teacher under the performance pay plan.
  • Qualifying employees receive this portion of the 301 pay plan based on the Pay for Performance guidelines. The amount of money that teachers will receive will be based on available funding and student growth from the Pre-Galileo assessment to the Post-Galileo assessment. 
  1. 40% of the Proposition 301 funds will be paid to qualifying teachers who complete the minimum requirement of 40 combined hours of professional development and community service. 

Employee Eligibility

The following employees are eligible for participation in the Proposition 301 Pay Plan: 

  • Certified Teachers with a Standard, Provisional, Reciprocal, or Intern Teaching Certificate 
  • Emergency Certified Teachers 
  • Other certified employees who have a Standard, Provisional, Reciprocal, or Intern Teaching Certificate and who provide direct instruction to students (i.e., music teachers, counselors, speech pathologists). 

 Employees who become eligible for the 301 Pay Plan during the school year (due to certification) will be awarded an adjusted payment based on the number of contract days that were fulfilled for that school year.

Example:Teacher A became certified on January 14th, 2017. This means that he/she worked 85 days out of a total of 182 contract days for the school year. So, Teacher A would only be eligible for 47% of the total amount. 85 days worked/182 contract days = 47%