District Departments » Transportation » Kindergarten


We would like your assistance in giving the transported kindergarten students the best start possible for their bus ride experience.


 To assure a smooth beginning, please review the following guidelines:

  1. Have your child wear the name tag provided by the school, including the bus stop address. This tag is especially helpful as we have experienced a number of students who do not know their bus stop. We need your assistance in creating a pleasant bus ride experience.
  2. We encourage parents to put their children on the bus on the first day of school and follow in a car if desired.
  3. Parents should be at the bus stop at the end of the school day. The district requires parents of Kindergarten students to meet the bus on a daily basis throughout the year, Any concerns in this area may be brought to the attention of our office.
  4. The driver will instruct students on the bus stop and bus ridership safety.