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Estrategias para apoyar a su hijo y familia durante la adversidad y el estres por la Dra. Jennifer Benedict Medina
“Congratulations Seniors, every day you are one step closer to graduation! Right now is a critical time in your life where you are currently applying to Colleges/University and trying to figure out what best suits you. I wanted to let you know of some the opportunities available to you close to home at Arizona Western College as a migrant student. The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) serves students that come from a migrant seasonal background to continue on with a post-secondary path with academic, financial and career-related support. For more information on this scholarship based program please watch the video and feel to reach out if you are interested or have any questions and visit our website.

Two SLHS students, former SWJH students, have been named National Hispanic Scholars in recognition of their academic successes and their high test scores on the PSAT. Guillermo Velez's goal is continue his academic journey and study physics after high school, subsequently obtaining his PhD in a specialized branch of the field. Maritza Noriega intends to study architecture but is keeping her options open.